Wednesday, May 16, 2007

"The Food Shopper's Creed"

"The health of my family is in my care; therefore--
I will base my market list on meal planned according to the "DIET PATTERN."
I will choose foods of quality and in quantities that will provide the nutritive elements planned for.

Stretching the food dollar is part of my responsibility; therefore--
I will take advantage of what the seasonal markets offer in variety, quality, and price, to the end that I may exchange my dollar for maximum values.

My family's enjoyment of food is my responsibility; therefore-
I will use the possibilities of the market to provide variety, excellent quality and novelty within the limits of my food budget.

Purchasing food is an important link in the business of feeding my family; therefore--
I will make every effort to weigh possibilities offered by various markets, by various foods, and the forms in which they are offered from season to season, to the end that I may take pride in a job well done."

The Modern Family Cookbook, Meta Given, 1942.


Mrs. Cote said...

I'm in a little family of two and it is still challenging to food shop well. Thank you for this quote. It is definitely food for thought :)

Anonymous said...

Could not believe my eyes!! I have exactly the same "Shopper's Creed" in my household notebook--have kept it for years. It's tattered and torn, but I continue to hold on to it. We must have been sisters in another life! Never thought I'd come across anyone else who would save such a thing--Happy Homemaking!

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